Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Your Membership Just Got Better

Check-in 4 Charity has been up and running for a few months now, and we are pleased to share that our membership numbers have greatly increased. Because we are consistently growing, and our members are getting so many customers to check-in, we have decided to throw in a few freebies for all of our members to enjoy!

Exclusive Check-in 4 Charity Buttons

Introduce your Check-in 4 Charity membership by using these free promo buttons that are sure to grab your customers attention. These beautifully crafted buttons are great for marketing your membership and creating awareness, engagement, and traffic to your Facebook page.

Did you know the use of promotional buttons can increase engagement rates by 2-5% in the first 2 weeks? Hand these out to your staff and start wearing them now! Each member will receive 10 Free buttons per membership. Need more buttons? Ask us how you can order more.

Check-in 4 Charity Wristbands
Promo wristbands are great for marketing and even better to offer your customers as an incentive to increase engagement. Do you need help reminding your customers to check-in? Put some FREE Check-in 4 Charity wristbands out on display and tell your customers they are a FREE gift to them when then check-in at your business. Each Check-in 4 Charity member will receive 100 FREE wristbands with their membership. Need more wristbands? No problem! Just ask us how you can order more.

All current members will be receiving a shipment of buttons and wristbands within the next couple of weeks.  We look forward to helping you grow your Check-in 4 Charity campaign, and we appreciate your dedication to continuously encourage your customers to check-in in order to support the wonderful charities we have developed relationships with.

Not a Check-In 4 Charity member? Call us to sign up today 800.888.4084 or visit our website!