Happy New Year everyone! We are so thrilled to start 2017 with new clients, new charities, and new goals for
Check-in 4 Charity! Last year we launched our program in April and did not expect to have such an amazing amount of members so quickly; but we're so happy we did. This year, we are ready to take our program, and donations, to the next level! If you know a business that can benefit from our check-in 4 charity program and is seeking to
make a difference, please refer them to us!
Now, for the charity of the month for January. This January our members are supporting UNICEF. UNICEF protects and defends the rights of every child. They are the world’s largest children’s organization, working with partners in 190 countries. UNICEF will do whatever it takes to protect children wherever they are and whoever they are. #foreverychild. Explore their site
here to understand more about what they do for children across 190 countries and regions.
Learn more about UNICEF on this video and find out why you need to check-in on Facebook at a local Check-in 4 Charity member's office.
Interested in becoming a Check-in 4 Charity member?
Visit our website or give us a call at 800-888-4084 and sign up today.